JM Bullion, the premier online bullion dealer in America, brings an exceptional precious metals app to the Android. Watch the real-time spot price movements of silver, gold, platinum, and palladium to stay on top of the market. Use our interactive charts to study past trends in those precious metals’ prices. Create customizable text and email alerts for when the silver price or gold price reaches set values you specify to know when the moment is right for you to invest. Check out which items JM Bullion has on special at any given time to be certain you are spending your money sensibly. Visit the app’s store to quickly gain access to all our silver, gold, platinum, copper, and palladium products on the JM Bullion mobile site.
• Interactive Charts for Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Palladium Spot Prices – Timeframes: 5 Years, 1 Year, 6 Months, 3 Months, 1 Month, 7 Days, & 24 Hours
• Ability to Set Up Email & Text Price Alerts for Silver & Gold Prices using Facebook, Google+, Yahoo!, or Outlook
• Real-time Spot Price Updates for Silver, Gold, Platinum, & Palladium
• Access Weekly On-Sale Items & Special Price-Over-Spot for Each
• Real-time Gold/Silver Ratio Updates
•银,金,铂互动图表以及钯现货价格 - 时间期限:5年,1年,6个月,3个月,1月,7天,和24小时
•能够设置为使用Facebook的,Google +和雅虎,或Outlook金银价格电子邮件和文字价格快讯